Tuesday was a strange and amazing day: Firstly I was sent a photo of a double rainbow taken in Kings Langley.It is beautiful and I have reproduced it below with thanks to Melinda Tenty (THANK YOU).
Then I accidentally stumbled upon a road called Love Lane. It had two signs one on each side of the road- here are the pictures. It made me wonder which I liked best – the older sign or the newer one?
Then I got engrossed in a game of new age indulgence that made me laugh. Was this a sign (literally!) that new love is better than old? Or is older love more preferable? Which is the nicest one? I don’t know! You tell me!
The next amazement came once more on Hampstead Heath. I am on a weight loss thing and trying to walk at least an hour a day.
I was in a sombre mood when I arrived because I had been upset- (why and how is between me and the person involved, although I speak about it a bit below). But I was seriously contemplating ditching my London Adventure and going back to Devon. Although I asked ‘my’ Angel to help me, at that point I didn’t really see how I might be helped. Everything was so dark that it felt impossible.
There is one seat on the heath dedicated to a much-loved young wife, by a husband who mourned her. I am fond of it. It is a perfect park bench both because it is situated across from a tree that the green parakeets like and its touching message- I too aspire to be loved as much one day- preferably whilst still alive!
Anyway here is a picture of that tree- although its hard to see the Parakeets because the green camouflages them and makes them seem invisible- but take my word for it they are there.
Whilst sitting on this bench I suddenly heard the most enormous crack of lightening and down came the rain and then the most beautiful and the most intense double rainbow stretched across the sky.
Here are some pictures of that Rainbow: I hope that you like them.
As I left the Heath it seemed to surround and follow me. Unlike the ‘Love Lane’ game I was in no doubt that here was a ‘sign’. Firstly the lightening- splitting open the sky and connecting heaven to earth. And then the rainbow that caused everyone around it to stop and look in wonder. Rainbows represent different things to different people. On tuesday the rainbow spoke to me because I had been pondering the nature of illusion and empathetic intuition – and the validity and accuracy of my feelings. My upset came because these had been denied and I felt that I had been misrepresented and betrayed.
But here –as if from nowhere was the brightest rainbow. But where was it? It was there without a doubt but it was also not there- certainly no pots of gold or anything to grasp. Although many would say it was an illusion I knew it as a fact.
The gift of the rainbow and perhaps my angel was the comfort that as a human being I have the right to my authentic feeling and no one can take that away. My resolution is to try and judge less, listen more and not trample over the feelings and dreams of others.
Here is an Angel reading for today:
“Try not to delve into doubt: deal with that which you know. Faith will allow many wonders to enter your life”.
I hope that you are having a most wondrous day. x