For the tangled jumbleness of berries to feed the birds in this cold;Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
For friends who make me lunch; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
I went into Sainsbury’s in New Cross today & encountered genuine kindness; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
I drove back home; it sometimes feels like a miracle in the complexity that is our world to start out in one place & arrive in another place which is actually home; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
I hit grief today because I had hurt someone inadvertently; For the capacity to feel even if it is painful;Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
I drove through Hampstead today; Josh was born in the Royal Free more or less 26 years ago; thus it is very special to me & I especially feel that I am blessed; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
I know that this gratitude process has changed me & given me my place; helped to settle me down; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
Because I have been exercising more I was less tired when I returned home; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
For Lily who is always kind enough to great me; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
For all the blessings of the wondrous day; Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.