๐The calor gas man arrived with calor gas. I made a pot of coffee. I thought about all of our displaced people who cannot make a cup of coffee. For a pot of coffee; deepest gratitude; and for repair of the world; Thank You;Thank You:Thank You.
๐ I went with Flo to the sea. It was stark; impossibly beautiful;cold to my bones; For elemental beauty :Thank You;Thank You. Thank You.
โ๏ธFor a warm hat: even if I forgot to put it on. It was there when I remembered: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐I am speeding away writing my new book: For inspiration and productivity: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
โค๏ธFor Love; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐ธFor money that comes towards me as I receive; away from me as I give and then back towards me again; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐ A dream brought a useful ย realisation. For repair of self: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐ For safe passage to London:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐For a warm welcome when I arrived in London; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
๐บFor the combined sum of all of the blessings of the day;Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.