1. Here is the Watkins table at the end of the day. I regard my work as sacred. Great is my gratitude for the privilege and pleasure of being able to do what I love. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
2. After the day finished I went in a taxi, with the Watkin's team, to the Watkins Staff Party. For inclusion: Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
3. For colleagues whom I now consider to be dear friends, and for connection: Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
4. Coming out of the party, it was raining. I like that fine mist that catches in your hair and makes it shiny. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
5. I caught one bus, from the Angel, to Waterloo. Then (you guessed it!), the 172 back home again.Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
6. Tomorrow I will see the Patterdale whose name is Flo. That is very exciting: Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
7. Although sometimes I panic & feel that I am in free fall, whilst I am in transition, on the whole my strength holds up. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
8. This is my 6th or 7th year working @Watkins. For support, recognition & continuity: Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
9. Another writer came into Watkins. Somehow we clicked. He bought x 2 copies of TGof An Angel. Asked me to sign them and promised to recommend me for a specific piece of work. It is lovely to be affirmed. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
10. For courage, love, patience and strength, all of which I need at the moment. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
And An Angel Reading: "If in your eyes, progress is slow, in actuality it is rapid. It serves you to have faith. Understand yourself to be loved. Know that you are blessed".