I haven’t written a blog for a while because I have been away in France finishing my book: Whilst I completely know that it’s not all about me(!) on the day that I handed the draft to my editor I opened the door to a sky full of kisses which made me feel heartened and blessed. I hope that this is a good sign.
Watch this space in relation to the book. Its been a two year project and now that it is at proofing stage I can roll up my sleeves and concentrate on my other work.
This work includes a small wholesale business which will eventually make it to an on-line shop. In order to synchronise my portfolio I now have this new blog address: inspiritangelproductions, which is the name that ‘my’ angel CB gave me for the new business that promotes handmade products that I judge to assist the shift as they are charged with positive energy.
If you would like an Angel Reading I will be back working in Watkins Books, Cecil Court, Charing Cross on the 20th of June : Tel 0207 863 2182 to book.
Here is an angel reading for today, “Focus upon your work, there is much to be done. Use the energy of high summer to draw down your dreams. Have faith, although your path appears steep, your ground will become level. All is well”.
Hope that You enjoy the energy of the high summer. Happy drawing down of dreams!