I have discovered tow things: one is that making a commitment makes everything easier: So when yesterday CB said
‘enjoy the freedom that operating within faith has she was right’. This one simple step removes a lot of inner turmoil- but not I hope the ability to use critical human facility!
At the moment the tide is out in relation to having money. I know that it is back in again but my movements had been restricted due to a lack of conventional money energy. This is where I have found that by operating in alignment brings me to a state of grace as a friend kindly offered a free holiday in France with space for a group of us. We are now working on getting there…. but I think that it will be possible.
This is my to do list for today:
go back to the list of the day before yesterday and complete
be practical and task centred – you have a lot to do.
stay in the energy of joy
with love to everyone reading this……….