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Of course Flo was unable to resist: She rushed at the pigeons and sent them up into the air......

Gratitude List 22/3/23

  1. Kindness came my way in the form of a beautiful bunch of spring flowers. For a Gift of colour and perfume: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  2. For lunch with Sarah: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  3. I have a new client who has partial sight. Indeed he is an inspiration. I hope that I can assist him. For delivery and success: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  4. I completed Many Lives Many Masters. Fascinating story telling. For the ability to write: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  5. On the spur of the moment, extra clients appeared. Indeed I am blessed. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  6. I walked with Flo to St Giles Churchyard. The 'Pigeon Man' was there. Of course Flo was unable to resist: She rushed at the pigeons and sent them up into the air. But they are seasoned and returned to earth quickly. For resilience: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  7. I chatted with Josh, and chatted with Zach. I am truly blessed by having these two in my life: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  8. I chatted with a friend via Whats Ap. For instant connection: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  9. It feels as if I have turned a corner with my work. The flow seems stronger. For this fact I have more gratitude than I can possibly convey.

  10. In New Row, my friend offered me an Ice Cream. In the interest of restraint I said no. For small miracles: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

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