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Wendy Erlick
Apr 5, 20192 min read
The end of a chapter 15/5/10-5/4/19: Celestial Healing: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
Ah I am proud to announce my new website. It has been designed by my son Joshua Ben Erlick of Monobrow Design with editing input from...
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Wendy Erlick
Apr 1, 20191 min read
For a cup of coffee: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
@The Expresso Room in Covent Garden I was made a perfect cup of coffee: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You For once I came to London on the...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 31, 20191 min read
For tears and for blessings: thank you;thank you;thank you.
For cards containing appreciation and love: deepest gratitude: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You For kinesiology by Karen Evans (always life...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 30, 20191 min read
For a sense of place and for connection:thank you;thank you;thank you
I love how just one surface in the house may contain so much meaning. This is the top of ‘the dragonfly cabinet” in the lounge (that Josh...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 29, 20192 min read
For a seat at the table & for drama: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You
Looking at the sky this morning it became clear to me (and I hate to confess this (sad!) that I am becoming addicted to the Brexit...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 29, 20191 min read
For original art and for spring:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
This drawing is by my son Joshua; celebrating his birthday. For joy and for fulfilment:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You. For colour and for...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 28, 20191 min read
For a glimpse of the Park: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
On the way home, I spotted this tree through the gate of Regents Park: For trees that appear to dance: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You. The...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 28, 20191 min read
Ops I am late posting my list: For a chance to catch up: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
Caught up in busyiness and a family birthday I missed posting for the last couple of days: I committed my gratitude and angel blessings...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 25, 20191 min read
For a day without a phone: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
Working in London I left my mobile phone behind by accident. I had a day feeling free: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You With a deadline and...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 24, 20191 min read
For effortlessness: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You
It seemed to me that these blossom effortlessly became clouds; or that the clouds effortlessly became blossom. I am not sure which. For...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 23, 20192 min read
For Holding(s): Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
With everything going on at the moment: Brexit: Mercury still retrograde; The vibration of the earth shifting: I am drawing comfort from...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 22, 20192 min read
For angel blessings and the concept of gratitude: Thank You: Thank You;Thank You
I did some energy work to try and incorporate my Angel. This action arose through dowsing in a kinesiology session rather than being my...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 21, 20191 min read
For seas that shine: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You
Once again the Lime Coffee Co is open @ Strete Gate. For a short amount of time I am on ferrying duties (Zach my son works there). For...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 20, 20191 min read
For circles: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
Back in Devon & collecting the Patterdale whose name is Flo I came across a tree that had a circle of primroses around it; How magical is...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 19, 20191 min read
Up the lane and around the corner: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
Walking up New Row two minutes from Watkins, I found this lane. Never mind that I have been working in Watkins for the last 7 years or...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 18, 20191 min read
For a bookshop and a new book: Thank you:Thank You:Thank You
For a bookshop (Watkins) and a beautiful book (The Binding) Thank You;Thank You;Thank You For coffee with a friend whom I have known for...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 17, 20191 min read
For inner gold: thank you:thank You;thank You
I love how gorse seems to hold sunlight. I love how people seem to hold sunlight. At the red table in Watkins today I was busy. I heard...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 16, 20191 min read
For transparency, the view through the window:thank you:thank you:Thank you.
I gained an extra days work in Watkins. I am still amazed that I have ended up sitting in the window @Watkins. How did that happen? The...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 15, 20191 min read
For Softness and for emptiness: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
The softness and emptiness of the day bought me realignment: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You. I was given a bottle of red wine today:Thank...
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Wendy Erlick
Mar 14, 20191 min read
For roses that appear in stony places:thank you:thank you;thank you
I remembered that I had a photo of this rose that bloomed in November. I chose it as a symbol of hope for today; which I found to be...
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