🐚 Well I did it! The radio show that is, much to my relief the link up was fine http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows-page/listen-live-2// For courage, for supportive friends & for connection:Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
🌠 For adrenalin to see me through to give the radio interview when I was tired after travelling to London: Thank You;Thank You:Thank You.
❤️ For love: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
❤️ For opportunities to be heard: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
💸 For money as it flows towards me as I receive, away from me as I give and then back to me again: Thank You;Thank You:Thank You.
🌺 Unexpectedly I am working from Watkins Books again tomorrow. As this is one of my most favourite places in the world :Thank You; Thank You;Thank You.
😍 I adore speaking with my now adult sons. They are so wise; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
❄️ There was frost to be scrapped off the car today & then it started no problem: For cold weather & engines that run smoothly: Thank You;Thank You; Thank You.
🌊 Thanks to Karen Evans (Worlds best metaphysical book keeper) My books are nearly finished in time for submission to HMRC. Way to Go! THANK YOU:THANK YOU:THANK YOU.
🌞❄️☔️ For the totality of the day with its perfections, insights & joy. A profound Thank You;Thank You;Thank You. x