🌞 The sun was bright when I was walking today & I noticed my shadow. I decided that it looked like Mrs Pepperpot. And since it is my shadow I am going to have to accept it.I also realised that without illumination we cannot see our shadow. So perhaps the shadow is also illumination & clarity at the same time as being shadow? For insight & illumination: Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
🌠I visited a friend today. Whilst I was there her daughter opened a letter that gave her a place at St Ann’s College in Oxford. So richly deserved. Congratulation’s Katie. For joy & success; Thank You; Thank You;Thank You.
❤️ For Love: Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
💸 For money, as it flows towards me as I receive; away from me as I give and then back again; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🌿 The day was productive & flew away today: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
😇 Yesterday I made two skype calls: One to a friend in Israel; the other to work with a client in Peru. When you think about it. Is skype not a miracle? For ease of communication; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
🌲 Today I gained greater understanding of the way that energy works: For knowlege: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🍸 For a G & T (with ice) Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
❤️ Someone upset me today & I carried out Radical Forgiveness; Its an amazing technique: 8 minutes to integration, healing, acceptance. For this inner growth I have gratitude: Thank You;Thank You; Thank You.
🌺 For the very first time I chanced across a Hare dancing down the lane today. In the medicine card’s Hare represents communication between the spiritual and material world. I was honoured to meet you Mr/s Hare.
🌺 For the richness of the day; Thank You; Thank You;Thank You.