🎉There is something magical about partying late; coming back late on the night bus: For a magical party:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🎆For generosity and joy:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
😇For a chance to catch up:Thank You;Thank You:Thank You.
💃For a chance to dance:Thank you:Thank You;Thank You.
❤️For love:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
💸For money that comes towards me as I receive, away from me as I give and then back again; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
🎀For the chance to celebrate Sophie’s Bat Mitzvah with my family:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
👟I adored that the girls/young women were all wearing trainers with their party dresses:For freedom:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
😼I can’t believe that I am writing this post at 1.22 am. For self discipline or perhaps obstinacy: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🌺For a blissfully perfect party & an evening spent cocooned in a bubble of fun and love;
🌷Thank You;ThankThankYou:toStuart:Karen;Sophie:Jamie❤️❤️.