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82/100: For the gateway to infinity: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

❄️💨Change is in the air: I can feel it. I took some concrete and much needed steps to cherish myself today. For courage:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

🌞🌊 For the sight of the sun on the sea today; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

🍋I have in my possession a bottle of Italian Liquore de Limone: Riches indeed: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.

🌠I worked with a valued  client by skype today:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

❤️For Love:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

💸For money that comes towards me as I receive, away from me as I give and then comes back again: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

🐶For the sweet companionship of the Patterdale whose name is Flo (so far she seems not to bite other dogs and is impeccably well mannered); Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

😇I begin to realise that every day I am in receipt of many kindnesses. I have much gratitude for each and every one  of these:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

🌊The emptiness of the beach; wind; sea; gave me much needed solace today; For comfort: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.

🌎Today, I was able to let go of a situation that did not serve me:For integrity & release:Thank You;Thank You Thank You.

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