😍Here is the Patterdale whose name is Flo; She is not contained! I love her slightly out of the box craziness; For messiness and non containment:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🎂 🍏This weekend I am making an apple pie and a birthday cake: Great is my happiness; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
💰I just heard that a funding application that I co-wrote has been successful. That boosts my confidence:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🍴My eldest son Josh brought me breakfast in the Boston Tea Party as an early mothers day present; Ah; For nourishment;Thank You;Thank You:Thank You.
❤️For Love;Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
💸For money that comes towards me as I both receive & give & goes away from me as I both give and receive; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
😍For work with clients: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🐝For a day so busy that I almost didn’t see it;Thank You;Thank You; Thank You.
🌊 For inner peace: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🌺For the grace and fabric of my day; Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.