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A November Rose and A series of Miracles


Because it is Chanukah this week; a festival of freedom, light and of miracles I have been thinking about miracles that are in my life. There seem to be so many that I can’t possibly recount them; so here are a few; if you would like to recount some of yours and send them to me I would love to read them.

  1. The photo was taken on the 28th of November; a red rose. It was in the school grounds on that Saturday when I went with my son to meet his teacher and help plan where next? He is sixteen now. I left that meeting in tears; not of sadness but of joy. I heard that my younger son is exemplary as well as bright.  Thinking about him as a baby and looking at him over six foot tall now; it felt to me a miracle.   How did he get there!  And how could it be that such a perfect rose was growing in November?

  2. Last Sunday was the first night of Chanukah; Slight problem. We have a Chanukiah (Chanukah Lamp) but I had forgotten to buy candles. There are no Chanukah candles to be brought in Totnes; usually I bring them from London. I was lamenting my forgetfulness when out of nowhere and with a flourish my older son produced a half a box of Chanukah candles that I had given him last year. Well, that was definitely a miracle. We lit up that first night. Then I went  that very evening to Exeter to see the lighting of the Exeter Chanukah lamp by the Exeter Lord Mayor-for the first time ever in the main street- and at this marvellous event I was given a box of Chanukah candles. So no scarcity in relation to Chanukah candles what so ever. Perfectly looked after by the universe.

  3. This last one is a strange miracle. I had been thinking a lot about how we need light at this time of the year to sustain us and give us hope; especially as there is such turmoil and suffering within the world at  the moment.    Inspired by the red rose in the school grounds I brought myself 24 red roses; and have done so each week.  The roses have been on the table with candles lit and a burner with yarrow essential oil.  The presence of the roses has helped to  keep me strong so that I can be strong for others. Because they are red roses, friends have been saying “who brought you those? Is there something that you haven’t been telling us?”.  It seems that people don’t often buy themselves red roses.    It is truly a miracle that I have reached a stage of inner contentment where I feel that I can freely buy red roses for myself ; enjoy them; feel nourished and know that on my own I am enough.

Here is an Angel Reading for today:

Within the darkness, note the light. Darkness is absence of light only and may contain peace. Hold your strength and be still in the eye of the storm”.

Dear Reader; I am wishing you miracles of surprises, strength, pride, abundance and trust. I hope that these shorter days are dense with beauty, gratitude and joy. Shine well dear friends.

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