Somewhat reluctantly I have come to the conclusion that the reason that I was taken to see the Seer in the National Gallery was not so much to assure me of my psychic powers as to remind me that I need to diet! (please see previous entry-angelic verification).
CB says that she wishes me to diet because it is not healthy to hold so much pain within my body and it would be useful for me to be more fully present in the world!
So in order to ground it I have printed out a monthly planner (on which I will record my decreasing weight) and here goes:
Here is CB’s diet for me for today:
“Eat food with least suffering contained within it
Be without meat, cows milk and bread.
You do not need sugar to make your life sweet and for you sea weed is good.
As you raise your vibration you will need less food-but also you need to run and dance in the world
rise from your stupor and be active”
Well here I go, I am afraid that its already broken as being written with one cappuccino whilst I am writing this blog but I am human…..
This is a channelled ‘to do list’ for today that doesn’t contain a diet:
“Find the softness in the day, in blossom and sweet flowers,
For one moment look at your own skin, and see the stars contained within,
Listen to the humming of the earth and send it healing to bring it back into balance,
Give a little, either materially or spiritually (prayer) and feel your heart soar,
Know that you are blessed and loved””
Thank you CB Hopefully the second part of your message will inspire me with energy for the first part
I hope that every one reading this blog has a truly wonderful day