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I have been away for a long while-nearly a year in fact. During this time I stopped reading, was so burnt out that I couldn’t open my computer and could just have enough energy to work in a local health food shop. All of my usual consultancy work slipped away and I faced the very real prospect of my sons and I losing our home.  Channeling for CB or writing a blog was far from my mind.  My friends were concerned for me and held me. Some gave me work and some lent me money. Others heard my story. People who were strangers showed me kindness.  Old friends and colleagues offered me opportunities, brought me books, told me that they had faith in me.  Magic happened-we were never without and never hungary. Although as a family we had less, as a family we also had more.  We started to enter a place of loving kindness and gratitude.

Somehow I had held it together-I decided to follow the pain because I knew that there were patterns that I wanted to stop with me and not pass down the generations. I had been using ‘spiritual by passing’ as a mechanism to avoid pain, to avoid being present, avoid carrying out focused work and impacting on the world.

If my work and ability to earn (and spend) money had defined me to this point I wanted to know who I was without it and why I had always found it so difficult to be here – on earth.

And do you know what I did it! I followed the pain, found the patterns-(too boring to recount) and removed them-usually through radical forgiveness but sometimes through my angel and sometimes through dreams. I think that episodes of pain are a bit like the seaweed that I used to ‘pop’ when I child – they get embedded into the energy field and prevent living fully but once they are brought to light and ‘popped’ or dissolved away they go never to be seen again…….and are replaced by the ability to be and live in the moment.

My relationships with my family have transformed- and my energy is back. I am enjoying being here – on earth.  Now I am secure enough to know that the healing, channeling and coaching that I offer is (usually) effective and that I am of service.     The split that I used to feel between consultancy and healing has now disappeared-I offer consultancy/coaching when healing and sometimes-if appropriate-healing when working in the main stream. Yippee Yippee, now all I have to do is focus, work hard, write my book, be present and I am sure that abundance will return in the material sense as well as the spiritual.

Anyway this is enough about me, I just wanted to update and let you know where I have been. We will go back to CB now – I have a few stories to share over the next few days. But here is her ‘to do list’ for to day.

  1. Do not be complacent-you think that you have come far but you are just beginning.

  2. There is much to be done-inspire others and accept their gifts so that they can relieve  suffering.

  3. Give thanks for your many blessings.

  4. Do not now deny me.

Enjoy the rest of the day – I will be back tomorrow!

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