For being able to return home to the peace & tranquility of Devon thank you; thank you; thank you.
For the piece of Lapis stone that arrived in my handbag on its own somehow; deep blue; my favourite colour; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For texts and Whats Aps with information & news from old friends; these make me feel nourished; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For Joshua who supported Zack with lifts and food whilst I was a way; your diligence & kindness is much and deeply appreciated; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For Zach who messaged whilst I was away asking if the recycling needed to go out; your diligence & kindness is much and deeply appreciated; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For that first cup of coffee when I arrived home; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For finding everything calm & in good order when I returned home; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For finding that bulbs had grown a little whilst I was away; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For being able to have the space to succumb to exhaustion when I returned; thank you; thank you; thank you.
For all of the blessings unmentioned in this day; thank you; thank you; thank you.