Working in London I left my mobile phone behind by accident. I had a day feeling free: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
With a deadline and a promised chapter of my book outstanding I was amused by a synchronicity today. Three clients came to the Red Table at Watkins: Everyone a writer and every person stuck and not writing! How is this even possible? What are the chances? For threads that bind and the support of the universe: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
I continue to use energy work to make repair. This can be painful but I am convinced it is worth it. For self inquiry and healing:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
I am reading a book that is a work of genius. Its called Balancing Heaven and Earth by Robert Johnson. For wisdom and generosity: Thank You;Thank You:Thank You
For Love:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
For energy, for resource and for money:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
For primroses that grow in a bank and overwhelm me with beauty:Thank You;Thank Thank You
For coffee:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
For being reunited with my phone:Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
For all of the connections and conversations of the day: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
And an Angel Blessing from CB
“You have permission to take your place in the web of life that supports you effortlessly; Know that you are blessed”.