I gained an extra days work in Watkins. I am still amazed that I have ended up sitting in the window @Watkins. How did that happen? The truth is that I am entirely happy there. I adore my work. For life’s unexpected twists and turns: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
Some interesting people came along to the Red Table today. And even if I say so myself the work between us was inspirational. For the chance to make a difference: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You
For coffee made by my son. Deepest gratitude:Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
Nowadays there are people in London who recognise me and say hello as I walk to and fro from Watkins. I love being acknowledged. For being seen, Thank You: Thank You:Thank You
For Love: Thank You Thank You:Thank You
For money: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You
Today, after yesterday in Christchurch, I am feeling conscious of suffering in the world. My heart is weeping: For the ability to feel:Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
The sum of my day had me feeling as though I was walking in grace. To have this feeling so consistently is new to me. For joy:Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
For the glass of red wine; that is beside me now as I write: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
Now at the close of my day, looking back over it some things happened that were funny and made me smile. For laughter; irony; and general haphazardness all of which make life interesting: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
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