I took this photo @Slapton Sands. It seemed to me there was a golden light stretching across the horizon. I always feel gratitude when I walk on these sands where so many USA servicemen lost their lives during training exercises in WWW2. Thank You; Thank You; Thank You for sacrifice that gives me my liberty today.
Out went the (illicit) Christmas Tree (Chanukah Bush) today. I felt grateful for the sacrifice made by this tree that had graced our lounge; given me the odd (illicit) chocolate decoration when no one was looking & lifted my mood with the smell of pine. After all a Fir Tree is a noble entity. It is not a carrot! Thank you Thank You Thank You for sacrifice & grace from nature.
An email from a Client today told me ‘she had felt significantly better’ since our work together. I felt so much joy to read this. Thank You, Thank You; Thank You for effective work that brings joy.
I received a commission to write an article for a journal yesterday. It is the first time that I have actually been invited to write; rather than plying my wares & always asking. I feel that I have crossed a threshold; Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for recognition.
Yesterday Josh, Zack and I watched ‘Ethel & Ernest’ the animated film about the parents of Raymond Briggs. Particularly poignant; my father also was a milkman. It reminded me of my working class roots. This film provided another opportunity to cry (a lot)! Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, for beautiful & tender films that remind me how precious life is, how fleeting; & the power of the small individual acts that make up our day to day existence.
I went into the market in Totnes yesterday & parked on a 1 hour parking ticket. Of course I was late back (by 30mins). Thank you; Thank You; Thank You for the grace of friends to greet & speak with & for the grace of g-d (in not getting a ticket).
This morning I work up to the sound of rain. Rain on the window pane is both a privileged & cosy sound. Thank You; Thank You; Thank You for the roof over our heads.
Zach played some music by Charles Bradley today; Soulful. Thank You: Thank You: Thank You; for music that sings of the world.
I am invited to a Party this evening. Thank You; Thank You; Thank you; Both for friends & for being included.
For the opportunity to buy ( & eat) fantastic organic apples & oranges from Dawn who sells in Totnes Market; for showing up yesterday; even when it was freezing cold; Thank You; Thank You; Thank you.