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Gratitude & Transition day 1/100

I came across this old bench whilst out walking. No longer strong enough to bear the weight of humans it is slowly transitioning into something else. My eyes saw a city of beauty for fairies but you will perhaps envisage a different purpose.

The bench jolted me another reason: its stillness and decay reminded me of an instance of my own procrastination.  Often I write of the difficulty in being in the ‘place in between’, of moving from one stage to another, I can find it  hard to let go, to be non attached.  It was 4 months ago that my son and talented web designer Joshua Ben Erlick of Monobrow Designs made me a new website. But I did not act on it. I left it sitting in the doldrums; along with this blog which I started on  May 17th 2010.  So for a while there has been very little of a blog and no website.

I have now outgrown this blog. In fact it is a miracle that I have survived, earned my living with this blog operating as ‘my shop’. After some introspection I realised that I did not want to transcend from the blog because it felt that I was moving house. The new house (website) was going to be so empty. And so visible. More professional. Less cosy. And I was going to have to really show up.

And it would not demonstrate my history; so much has happened since I started out as an Angel Channeller….our dog Lily died, I wrote a book, Josh left home…I started work in Watkins… Perhaps You get my drift? Life marches on.

The long and the short of it is that this new hundred day gratitude practise is starting here (on the blog) and will end there (new website). The new website will have a link back to the old blog but will be lighter, fresher, more professional and represent the person and services that I have now become.

Here is my gratitude list for today: I hope that it may inspire/support you in writing yours:

  1. For the opportunity to write this blog and for the people from many countries who took the time to read it: thank you; thank you: thank you.

  2. For my work; and for angelic support in my work:thank you; Thank you;thank you.

  3. For new beginnings that are also endings: thank you:thank you;thank you.

  4. For Love: Thank You:Thank You; Thank You

  5. For laughter: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You

  6. For all the people who have supported me in my work: Clients, Family, friends, colleagues: deepest gratitude: Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.

  7. For money that flows towards me as I receive, away as I give and then back again: Thank You Thank You: Thank You.

  8. For The complexity of life with opportunities to repair, renew: Thank You Thank You Thank You.

  9. For my New Website: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

  10. For the roof over my head :Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

And an Angel reading for the day:

Try not to judge yourself too harshly, sometimes space and inaction is needed in transition; New energy forms and in the silence rebirth. Look ahead with confidence. Understand that you have the right to take action and be in the world. Know yourself to be blessed“.

Wishing You a Joyous Day.

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