The fact that today in our garden I found primroses & daffodils flowering ahead of our snowdrops gave me a lift and a feeling of optimism. It felt as if there was a bit of magic in the air, a joyousness. So I pulled out my old walking boots and went for a walk. I am ashamed to say that I haven’t worn these actual walking boots for about 4 or 5 years; and was glad that they still fitted. Putting them back on again helped me to feel grounded and strong. Its good to feel spring in the air & get going again.
As I walked I thought about the resilience of the primroses; & of my own resilience; which I have had to cultivate. About all of our opportunities for renewal & rebirth & the evidence of so much courage. How things do not necessary arrive in ‘the right order’, but arrive none the less. And although for now I have stopped listing 10 items of gratitude every day, I feel imbued in gratitude. It’s a wonderful feeling.
So as I walked; I gave thanks; for my boots still fitting; for the primroses in the garden & snow drops in the hedges & the fact that Lily the Patterdale terrier still walks with me & for my work in the past week; which clients have told me that they valued.
I felt that I was walking in grace.
Here is an Angel Reading from Celestial Belle, for today;
‘The earth’s consciousness is shifting; entrails are laid on the table & the rebalance takes place. Stay strong in your boots & hold the light through action as well as intent’.
With love & blessings to you dear Reader & wishing you a joyous inspired week;
Author; The Gift of an Angel. Transformative Life Coach & Energy Healer.