1. For Roses that bloom in November: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
2. I worked with lovely clients today. For this fact, deepest gratitude. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
3. I love it when I unexpectedly wander into indepth conversations with strangers. This one took place in Selfridges, I discussed the process of Saturn Return with Jezza who was having coffee next to me.Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
4. No wonder I like London so much. There are angels everywhere once you start looking out for them, including above the main entrance to Selfridges.Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
5. I was given a gift today. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
6. For Love,Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
7.I walked passed Portman Square, it looks to be a sacred grove in the centre of London. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
8. I practised my hebrew. I I have memorised 10 letters:Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
9. For the sweetness of the day: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
10. For the peace of the day: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.
And an Angel Message:
"It serves you to focus, there is much to be done. Know that You are Blessed"