1. For a day of peace: Thank You: Thank You, thank You.
2.For x 2 zoom sessions with clients: Thank You Thank You, thank You.
3. For a day without drama or distraction. Thank You Thank You, thank You.
4. For the healing power of quietness and personal space.Thank You Thank You, thank You.
5. For Process:Thank You Thank You, thank You.
6. For insight and understanding: Thank You Thank You, thank You.
7. For the chance to read a good book: Thank You Thank You, thank You.
8.For Love: Thank You Thank You, Thank You.
9. For a good book:Thank You Thank You, thank You.
10. For a day of doing nothing very much, which once upon a time I would have railed at, but have since learnt to treasure:Thank You Thank You, thank You.
An Angel Reading "Silence, peace, each a right to be guarded. Know that You are loved. Understand yourself to be blessed".