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Angel Reading & Gratitude List Day 52/365

Writer's picture: Wendy ErlickWendy Erlick

1. It feels as though my work is beginning to crank up. Wonderful! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

2. I finished a funding bid for a client today. In the course of the work I discovered that there are some initiatives called community cupboards. Here is a link to an example: How inspiring. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.

3. The dark November nights feel cosy to me. So grateful to be inside and not outside. Prayers for our homeless people. 9000 people are currently homeless in London. For The Divine recognition that everyone is entitled to a roof over their head: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

4. Guiltily, instead of working, I watched "Half a Sixpence" which is on BBC iplayer. I last saw this film with my father when I was a child. It was good to revisit those memories as I have so few of them. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

5. Guiltily, instead of dieting, I brought some chips. Steam from chips evaporating into the night air also evoked my childhood. For my life: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

6. This gratitude process is beginning to feel like praying and has me feeling as though I am immeasurably rich and live in grace. For this state of being: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

7. For consolidation: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

8. For the kindness of friends and the kindness of strangers: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

9. My sons, Josh & Zack have a habit of calling me as they are walking to their homes. This kind thoughtfulness brings me to tears and eases the pain of being apart. Especially when there is good news. Zack did well in his first Uni Exams and Josh is in receipt of commissions. I am a proud Mama E. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

10. For Love: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

An Angel Reading: "It is the case that the practice of gratitude leads to a state of grace. Great and many are your blessings. Even more so now that you are (finally) becoming aware of them. Know that you are loved, happiness is yours".

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