1. And here it is, the legendary 172 Bus. Only this is a photo from a couple of years ago. Now the 172 only goes as far as Aldwych. I love how nothing stays the same, yet everything is the same (somehow). Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
2. I have been slipping from posting gratitudes up on the day, just making notes. This is because I am now busier. I am resolved to catch up. Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
3. I had work with clients today. Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
4. My path took me a long the strand. Too many people are sleeping in the doorways. For kindnesses and a roof over everyones head (surely we could do this?), Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
5. I caught up with two of my friends today. By phone and by skype. Truly friends must rank high in the list of the best inventions in the world.Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
6. I am behind with my writing. Yet I am comforted because know what I will write. Surely this is better than being behind and not knowing what to write?Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
7. For hot soup at lunch time:Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
8. Not only am I behind with my writing, I am also behind with my other work. The one benefit of this situation is that I feel valuable and useful 😼. Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
9. Today is the birthday of my Aunt Jenny (RIP). She was kind to me when I was a child and it feels a strange world without her physical presence. For lovingkindness: Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
10. For life, for sweetness and for joy. Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
An Angel Blessing "It serves you to remember that there is no divide".