1. The day (Thursday) was full of rainbows. I love rainbows: ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
2. For reconnection: with the podiatrist, my hairdresser. Ah....ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
3. For organic apples from Ben's. ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
4. For the sweet presence of Flo in the back of the car: ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
5. For the pleasure of wandering around Totnes, seeing the Christmas Tree in the Square and saying hello to people that I know and bumped into: ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
6.For the gift, within all of this, feeling that I am on the right journey. ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
7. I visited 'my' lock up. Everything is safe and sound: ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
8. For a safe journey from Devon to Suffolk: six hours in total but I arrived ok and was not that exhausted ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
9. My mother welcomed me warmly. This is most healing: ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
10. For the sum of the day, all of the interactions contained within. ThankYou;Thank You;Thank You.
An Angel Reading "It serves you to notice that your day was joyous. Know that you are blessed."