1. After days of upheaval caused by too much realisation, at last I am able to work again. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
2. I completed a new chapter of my book. I am happy with it: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
3. Working in the Library brings me contentment. I like to work in either a cafe or a library. I am alone but not alone, background noise gives me company. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
4. Again the magic of London buses that take me from door to door. The 172 to the strand, and then the 168 to Hampstead. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
5. In London I am able to buy a roll, made with cholla, sweet white bread. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
6. I love connections that are unexpected as I go about my day. I often receive very kind greeting and exchanges that make me feel blessed and validated. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
7. Some clients write to me to say that I have helped them. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
8.For the sum of a day in which I am productive: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
9. For Love: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
10. Because my phone is broken I am currently using archived photo's. These remind me that many of my days have been and are, filled with beauty, grace, happiness. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
An Angel Blessing "It is the case that You begin to stand steady in the eye of the storm. This is a place of strength and containment. It serves You to use it well, do not become detached or complacent. Know that You are Blessed".