1. I secured x 2 £15.00 day tickets for the penultimate last night of Curtains. Good seats too. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
2. Wyndham is the sweetest theatre: Can you spot the Angels? Thank You Thank You Thank You.
3. I felt a pang for being at the Theatre on Friday Night. I remember the many many times that I cooked Friday Night dinner and lit candles. Those days will return:Thank You Thank You Thank You.
4. I was utterly privileged today, to be able to spend the day reading an important book on Angels (Thank You Meriel) background for my next chapter (that I am currently writing): Thank You Thank You Thank You.
5. I caught the late bus home. Along it came the 172 and got me back for 12 midnight. The Harry Potter Night bus sprung to my mind, and also my lovely Nana, Lilian (Lil), who when I was a child was always out journeying on London Transport buses and trains, taking me with her. Without Lil, I would not be the person whom I am today. Her Love has given me succour throughout my entire life. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
6. For meaningful conversation over a cup of coffee. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
7. For insights / understanding that will (I am sure!) enable me to deepen my work. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
8. I was invited to a book launch by an author who is amazed that he is published. It was joyous and inspiring to be able to speak with him. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
9. For the sum of the day, for having a place in this world: Thank You Thank You Thank You.
10. For the Play Curtains, not the most intellectual of plays, but simple fun and proficient in dance.Thank You Thank You Thank You.
An Angel Blessing "This practice of gratitude raises your vibration, You begin to walk in grace. Angels are always present when there is music. Know that You are Blessed.".