Gratitude List 16/11/22
For Rain and for Christmas Lights. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
I took the car to be serviced. That felt very ordered. Hmm. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
Ralphy, the dog who lives next door, joined in with Flo's walk today. He is a different character altogether. Very Focused (on gravy bones). Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
A dear friend of thirty-five years standing (how is that even possible?) came to tea today. She arrived at 6 pm and stayed until 7.30 pm. There were cakes. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
Lights going up involved men in cranes bobbing up and down the street. I am reminded of my sons when they were young, and watching 'Bob the builder'. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
Whilst the car was being serviced, I had to hang out and wait. For a legitimate excuse to daydream. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
I worked today and gave a Reading to a client. Messages arrived, Loud and Clear. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
I continue to read "People of the Lie". It is a book that interests me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
For a glass of red wine, at the end of the day. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.
For expectancy, for serenity. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.