Gratitude List 6/1/23
For signs of spring, of new life. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For a walk to Lincoln Inn Fields with Flo: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Due to the train strikes, London feels emptier today. The outcome of the emptiness is that everyone says 'hello', as I pass them.Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I caught up with my (ex) sister in law by phone today. Arrangements are being made for Helen's Levaya (funeral). The bonds of love feel strong. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Working with a client today, the best energy medicine was laughter. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,
Once again I cooked FND (Friday night dinner). Each shabbat I feel more and more gratitude for the stability and joy that this ritual offers. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Underneath everything there is a level of joy in the house. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,
Once again I had a productive day. This is good! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,
I am making realisations. Some of these are painful shadows. Very good karma to spot them I think! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,
For love and for the cycles of life and the chance to participate. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,