Gratitude List 27/1/23
It felt as though I walked between worlds. This was partly because I could not cross from St James Park to Green Park due to mounted horsemen playing rousing marching music. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
In Jermyn St I discovered a shop selling Dumbledore dressing gowns and was enthralled. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Later that evening I noticed that I had accidentally taken a picture of myself, under a sign that said 'New'. For redemption, renewal, amusing messages from the universe (I hope). Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I returned from my walk to work by zoom, without minutes to spare. For the skin of my teeth, Thank You, Thank You.
Plans to visit Hampstead and write in a cafe were curtailed due to a fatal work accident on Charing Cross Road. This meant that the road was closed and the bus decanted. For Love, compassion, sympathy our emergency services: Thank You, Thank You.
For walking 10,498 steps. Thank You, Thank You.
Friday night dinner involves prepping vegetables and making gravy. Thank You, Thank You.
For the ritual of Shabbat. More poignant today, because its Holocaust Memorial Day. Thank You, Thank You.
For laughter around the table, which had me uncontrolled and helpless. Thank You, Thank You.
For all of the blessings combined in my day. Thank You, Thank You.