Gratitude List 16/9/23
Early this morning, I walked across the Charing Cross Foot Bridge. For splendour, for the energy of The Thames: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
My early appointment was with an Osteopath. For her skill and a return to full mobility: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For many weeks I have not been in a position to write a gratitude list. For repair and for return: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Today is Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year. For Apples and for Honey: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For family and for prayers: For last night's wonderful celebration: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For Harvest and celebration: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For Renewal, and a chance to begin again. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For sweetness and for love: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Flowers grace the table. They are deep purple gladioli. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For the sum of the day and the grace that it has contained: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.