Gratitude List 7/1/24 (Retrospective)
Kindness gave me a ticket to The Gruffalo's Child at the Garrick Theatre on Charing croos Road. This is a show for children. Yet I had good reasons for going. So away I went. For generosity: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
This visit was a multi layered experience. I thought of my sons when they were heavy in my arms. Now they tower over me. For memories: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I was intrigued by the expertise of the communication contained within this show. It was seamless. The story of the Gruffalo is a story of bluff and of courage. For Chutzpah (mine and others) Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
It felt strange slipping into such a family orientated arena. I need not have worried. The child on her fathers lap, next to me, sent smiles my way and held my little finger for much of the show. For inclusion, expansion and for the kindness of strangers: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
The person that I went to see was and is talented beyond compare. The heart energy and the love is forever etched on my heart. For grace: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
The Gruffalo's Child lasted an hour exactly. Then I walked around the corner back to work in Watkins: For the movement between worlds: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
On this day, in Watkins when readings were scant and few, I received both visitors and gifts. Beside the ticket to The Gruffalo, these included a chocolate Xmas Pudding, A Perfect Cup of Coffee from St Georges on St Martins Lane, a jar of sherbet lemons. and tickets for the working dress rehearsal of Giselle at the Coli. For the perfection contained within this eclectic generosity: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Such kindness (above) bought me to tears. For joy, for happiness: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
The Reading that did arrive at The Red Table, was one that I was glad to give. And I felt it was of value as I was thanked with sincerity. For my work, which I do not take for granted: Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Watkins closed early, due to the pending Tube Strike. When I left the air felt heavy with snow. For a blanket of comfort. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.