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Gratitude List & Angel Message Day 53/365

Writer's picture: Wendy ErlickWendy Erlick

1. By some miracle I went to an Early Evening Concert @ the Royal Academy of Music. A privilege to hear Theo Bently Curtin play the Cello so beautifully. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

2. I lost my earring and all was lost. But then it was found- in an obscure place. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

3. Soon I will have been living in London for a month. Thinking about this today, I wobbled. For firm resolve: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

4. For a productive day. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

5. I had my Hebrew Lesson with Emma today. One the one hand I am starting to recognise the letters and just about string a couple of words together. On the other hand, I am absolutely convinced that I cannot do this. For a miracle: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

6. For cups of coffee, as I go about my day. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

7. People are constantly telling me that I do not look my age. I appreciate the sentiment. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

8. For Love: Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

9. I begin to enjoy the poetry of making these lists, which really means that I am now perceiving my day as a poem. A huge blessing, all things being considered. Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

10. For news from friends:Thank You:Thank You:Thank You.

And an Angel message "The harder you work and the more that you focus, the easier things will be. Stay true."

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