😇My gratitude practise stalled because I could not navigate my new website. For x 5 mins instruction from my son: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
😇The photo above, taken on my birthday, 14 days or so ago, shows me drinking a non alcoholic cocktail in a Vegan restaurant with my older son. My younger son brought me a large bottle of gin for my birthday. I love both of my sons. Thank You: Thank You;Thank You.
🌺It has been a time of more work and greater understanding about my work both: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🌺For my friends: Thank You:Thank You;Thank You.
🙏It feels most strange to be writing this blog on my new site. For change, and the ability to embrace change (even if it takes me a while), Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🙏For plant spirit medicine that showed me a new way to access universal abundance: Thank You;Thank You;thank You.
❤️For universal abundance: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You
❤️For universal abundance in the form of money: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You;
🙏For the grace that comes with the gratitude practice: Thank You;Thank You;Thank You.
🌳For the sum of my days, between the last gratitude practice and this. Immeasurable gratitude: One Thousand: Thank You, Thank You. Thank You.
And here is a channelled angel reading from CB 'my' personal Angel. 'Well you navigate the storm. You are most served by practising strength and kindness. Understand your self to be blessed."