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She did not give permission for these activities, neither would she permit them. Why would she?

Writer's picture: Wendy ErlickWendy Erlick

Gratitude List 23/9/23

  1. I took the no.24 bus, to Hampstead, without Flo. She was out with Josh on another adventure. The no.24 is an old bus route. It has a part in the film, Mrs Harris Goes to Paris. The journey to Hampstead, along The Charing Cross Road, takes me past the site of the book shop which was a true life film story and book, 84 Charing Cross Road. For buses, for stories, for heroism and for London. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  2. When I walk without Flo, I am conscious of an emptiness. I miss her and her shadow. For the companionship of Flo, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  3. Last time I was with Flo in Hampstead I took her for a Pawdicure. She was meant to have her nails cut, her ears cleaned and a wash and blow dry. She did not give permission for these activities, neither would she permit them. Why would she? When I collected her, she had just had the bath. She did not look contrite. I was contrite for the extravagant indulgence. I could easily bathed her myself. And I did not get a discount against the lack of service because apparently her non compliance was time consuming. For future frugality (mine) and independence of spirit (Flo's), plus her shiny coat. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  4. I met my friend outside the overland train station at South End Green and we walked across the Heath to Parliament Hill Fields. I love this walk, and the view from the top of the Hill. It seemed that there were many berries. Not so many conkers. For harvest. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  5. For a cup of tea in Roni's on Swains Lane. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  6. For ease of friendship and companionship. This friend is a dear dear friend. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  7. Coming back was so busy. The bus was packed, there was a change of season exuberance and vibrancy. I like it when that happens and everything is amplified. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  8. Zach faced timed me to show me his new dinner suit. He was on his way to a fancy Work Ball. He looked amazing. For The Elegance of Zach and being able to share some of his adventures. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  9. My supper was egg and chips. It made me laugh to think of the contrast between Zach's Ball and my Egg and Chips. For Irony. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

  10. I walked more than 10,000 steps today. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

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