Gratitude List 12/1/23
When there was a break in the rain I walked Flo to 'St Giles Churchyard". This is a small park where other dog walkers congregate. I know many people (and dogs) by name. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Today the Church Bells were ringing and now that the trees are without leaves I noticed the row of coloured buildings behind them. I liked that care had been taken to colour buildings, but was bemused that it had taken me so long to notice them. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
This week has been an intense week. The starkness of the trees, with the hidden buildings behind them reminded me of the ballet Swan Lake that I saw last night, the stripping back the day to day, to reveal the great dramas which underlay all of our lives. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Within my day was also sadness. This is as it should be. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
A client came along today and told me that the work which we did together has helped them. For this feedback I have the deepest gratitude. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Today The Patterdale whose name is Flo nourished me with her unerring attention and kindness. She is a rescue dog who also rescues me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I met some of my friends by chance out walking today. They reminded me of the lyrics of the Louis Armstrong Song 'Its a beautiful world'. Indeed I am lucky to have such wonderful and kind people in my life. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Within the flat there is excitement. Mainly due to Josh and his adventures. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
At the end of the day Zach called to say that he is planning to visit. Immediately I begin to plan menus. Great is my joy. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
For the sacred priviledge of this day and of everyday. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.